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The healing and restorative power of retreat…

Let go of doing and focus on your most important resource…you!

[box] When we leave busyness, worries aside and retreat to a place that is supportive and peaceful we are taking care of our body, mind and heart…this is the power of retreat..[/box]

overwhelmedTake a moment to pause and notice what you feel in your body. What is the state of your emotions, your heart? What about your thoughts? Is your mind open or contracted? Just notice with a willingness to really see what is happening right now. This pausing is vital to our well-being and something that we often forget. This is understandable in a world where things are changing rapidly all around us. But are you aware of how this rushing, doing and busyness if affecting you?

As a therapist and yoga teacher I see the effects of doing more and relaxing less. Even when we think we are relaxing our minds tend to go into making lists; where we check off things we did and highlight things we need to do. It is sometimes so difficult to turn the chatter off and this chatter carries emotions that then is stored in our minds, body and heart. It shows up as tension in the neck, shoulders, hips. Or we end up overeating in an effort to soothe the anxiety or maybe we walk around with a stress headache and wonder why we are in constant pain.

So what is the antidote to stress? How can we take care of ourselves?

peaceGoing on retreat can help us restore, renew and relax into the moment. Coming into a space where we leave our lists of things to do in the back of the closet and come into a space where the focus is on relaxing and enjoying yourself helps you come back into balance. It is when we tend to and are fully connected to body, mind and heart without judging ourselves that we are practicing self-care.

If you feel like you’re running on empty why not treat yourself to a one day retreat. This is not a workshop…rather it is a time to take the pressure off and have some fun! Some of the activities we will be focusing on are:

  • Practice blissful long stretches where we soften our body through breath awareness to the lovely sound of live cello music.
  • Engage in high energy fun through yoga dance. This helps alleviate stress and release endorphins that leave you feeling light, joyful and energized.
  • Mindfulness practice where the focus is on opening the senses and allowing what is going on internally and externally to be held in our awareness without judgment. This practice helps us stay connected to the present moment and to what matters most.
  • Self compassion helps us learn how to respond to what ails or worries us by acknowledging the challenging and painful experiences we encounter in life meeting them with love and understanding.
  • Attune to your body by learning to explore and find the most comfortable and relaxing positions for your body in restorative poses. (we use props such as bolsters, blocks, straps, blankets and eye pillows to create a soothing environment).
  • Divine sleep meditation to help you set your intention for life. In this practice you’ll be guided on a meditative journey through your multi-dimensional self.  This includes awareness and healing at each level of being (the five koshas) — physical, energetic, mental-emotional, and bliss-healing layers of your being. This helps dissolve tensions and reveal your True Self.

Smiling woman portrait.You deserve to treat yourself with love and care.

To register please go to Womens Self Care Retreat Day

This event will be held at Shanti3 Yoga, located at 140 Weston Rd. Weston, Florida.

For more information please call me at 954 793 6442 or email at acaringcounselor @ yahoo . com

May you be happy

May you be healthy

May you be peaceful

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1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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