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Obsessive thinking running your life?

We tend to spend so much time in our heads/thoughts that life happens and we aren’t really present. This is especially true when we become obsessed with a thought and it consumes us to the point that we all our interactions revolve around it. Obsessive thinking can also stir up feelings such as fear, anger, resentment and when this happens our emotions hook into the thought, our body responds to the emotion and all our attention is caught up in thinking mind.

So how can you help yourself when you’re caught up in this cycle? Can you pause and re-ground yourself?

self careTake a moment and practice the following:

Feel the earth beneath your feet, feel the breath as it comes into your body, pause and notice your surroundings. Leave the thoughts/story and connect with the need…is it peace, safety, security, love? Can you allow the feelings to be present, sense the feeling/need? Can you imagine meeting this need with understanding and compassion?

Learn to help yourself when you are adrift in the ocean of thoughts…come back to the present moment…come back home to mind, body and heart.

May you be well…

Speak Your Mind


1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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