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Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness…

seated meditation

Mindlessness vs. Mindfulness

Living mindlessly…
we live in the world of thoughts and stories…
The world of right/wrong should/shouldn’t
Blind to how this black and white way of thinking loses sight of life…

Life isn’t lived in the world of black/white or right/wrong
it’s lived in the grey area…

Living mindfully..Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness
awake and aware of aliveness, sensation, emotion and connection…
Aware of how actions and words
impact us, our loved ones and all of life…

Waking up, we move beyond seeing things as good or bad
And move into acceptance of the way things are…
and from this place of acceptance we respond with understanding, compassion and
a real love and respect for our world and each other…

This opens our hearts and minds…
Awake, aware, curious, spacious…
even when things are painful…
we sit and cultivate the ability to respond with awareness, acceptance and compassion..

C. Ricardo

Free your mind




Speak Your Mind


1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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