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Life is a journey…

In life…


In life there is pain, joy, wonder and peace
We know pain, joy is fleeting, wonder turns to doubt…
Where there is conflict there is war
Where there is war there is the possibility of peace…

In life there is pain, joy, wonder and peace
We know joy, pain is fleeting, doubt can turn to wonder
Where there is war there is conflict
Where there is conflict there is the potential for peace…

In life there is pain, joy, wonder and peace
If I accept the pain then I have a chance to savor joy, experience wonder and let peace fill my heart.

What it takes is being still, aware of the life inside this body, mind and heart
Aware of the life that is in every living thing, plants, animals, people, earth

What it takes is letting thoughts appear and disappear
Not getting hooked on the shoulds, woulds, coulds
Instead being with what is right here in this moment with openness, allowing, accepting and flowing with…

In life there is pain, joy, wonder and peace
The healing comes when I accept all experience
be it pain, joy, wonder, doubt, fear, love, peace…
If I let go, connect with the breath and arrive in this moment
I stop resisting and just let life flow through me
Allow compassion to fill my heart and send loving kindness out into the world then…well then there is the possibility of healing, of love of moments of profound peace…

In life there is pain, joy, wonder and peace
Open to it all…
Experience the here and now…
For it truly is a gift…

May you be free from suffering
May you be peaceful
May you be well…

C.  Ricardo

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1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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