Authenticity is a daily practice…
Life is a mixture of painful and joyful experiences. We cherish and want to hold on the joyful ones and push away/avoid the pain. Sometimes what makes the pain linger and turns it into suffering is our resistance to what is happening. Resistance usually shows up in our defensive behaviors. These defensive behaviors are fueled by self judgment or unrealistic expectations. An example is our strive for perfection or wanting to please others. When we strive for either of these we are living from the perspective of how others/the world expects us to be. It’s a way of trying to fit in but it often backfires and doesn’t work. It keeps us caged and our creativity, love and enthusiam is suppressed.
The beautiful poster below addresses what stops us from being authentic and what it takes to stop chasing approval and happiness. The bottom line is that accepting ourselves as we are is what helps us be true to ourselves and able to be there for others out of love and a real willingness to connect.
Source: via Cindy on Pinterest
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