Upcoming Events at West Broward Insight Meditation Community
(3 Mindfulness Events 2020 Scroll down to see all)
3 Day Mindfulness On Line Retreat– July 31st to August 2nd, 2020. Payment and Registration is required to save your spot. Please make the payment at Paypal – West Broward Mindfulness and register at Zoom link WB Mindfulness – 3 Day Mindfulness Retreat.
Join Cindy Ricardo, LMHC, Certified Mindfulness and Gentle Yoga Instructor and Piero Falci, MIndfulness Meditation and Mindful Living Teacher, to join other meditators in exploring the peaceful practices of Mindfulness and Compassion. The theme of the retreat will be related to cultivating Equanimity through Mindfulness practices. This is an opportunity to deepen knowledge and experience of these peaceful practices from the comfort of your own home. The price includes all teachings, teacher support meetings, sound healing and meditation to live Cello session and more.
5 Day Mindfulness/Vipassana On Line Retreat–October 23rd-27th, 2020 – Payment and Registration is required to save your spot. Please make the payment via Paypal.me/wbmindfulness and register at Zoom link 5 Day Mindfulness/Vipassana October Retreat
Join Cindy Ricardo, LMHC, Certified Mindfulness and Gentle Yoga Instructor and Piero Falci, MIndfulness Meditation and Mindful Living Teacher, on October 23rd-27th, 2020 for a wonderful opportunity to deepen knowledge and experience of the transformational practice of Insight Meditation and Compassion practices. This is an opportunity to practice from the comfort of your home and attend the retreat online via Zoom. The price includes all teachings, teacher support meetings, sound healing and meditation to live Cello session and more.
Payment can be made via Paypal.me/wbmindfulness and register at the zoom link 5 Day Mindfulness/Vipassana October Retreat
Mindfulness, Compassion and Resiliency – 6 Week Series – Next date is September 3rd-, Thursday from 6:15am – 7:45pm. To register go to EventBrite – Intro to Insight & Compassion Practices – An opportunity to learn more about these transformative and healing practices in a classroom setting. The classes are held for 6 consecutive Wednesdays from 6:30pm – 8:00pm and consist of short lectures, videos, interactive exercises, guided meditations and end with a period of mindful inquiry. The end of the course consist of attending a free Day of Mindfulness Event on the Saturday following the last day of the course.
Come learn about the positive and healing benefits of this practice.