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Week 1: Opening to creativity

This is the first week of our Artist Way Group and the theme we’ve explored is safety. In her book, “The Artist Way”, Julia Cameron talks about the need to “establish a sense of safety, as this enables us to explore creativity with less fear.” So my question to myself and to you is “What does your inner artist/child need to feel safe?” Take a moment here before continuing to read this post and explore the answers that arise when you read this question.

We are all born with the capacity to create…

I believe we are all born with the capacity to create. That every one of us is unique in the way we express our creative ablities. So it isn’t about creating a masterpiece, being a professional musician, artist or chef. It’s about tapping into the creative side, a place filled with dreams, imagination, joy and aliveness.

So how do we connect with this funloving/carefree and expressive spirt?

WildQuotesFor me the first chapter on creating safety helped me to begin to explore how safety is an essential part of opening to creativity. To create a sense of safety means becoming aware of what is stopping you from connecting with this part. I found that for me questions inviting me to explore creative blocks really helped. Some of the questions that came up for me were:

  1. What stops me from connecting with this side?
  2. Is it the judgment/censor?
  3. Is the search for perfection?
  4. How can I begin to create space in my life to connect with what makes me come alive, feel joyful and inspired.

For me it is going for a walk and taking in the beauty of my surroundings. I also find it helpful to sit down with a blank piece of paper and pen and allow myself the freedom to express whatever comes up for me or just allowing my imagination to run wild as I observe what kind of story spills out on the page. What are ways you can connect with creativity? Take a moment to jot them down without any judgment.

Let the censor fade into the background and explore creativity…

the censorAs I complete the first steps on this journey I find that I am more in touch with acceptance and this helps me to connect with the creative side that is open, playful and carefree. Instead of focusing on what I should/shouldn’t be doing or how I need to be I am creating space for self-acceptance. Really pausing to notice what it feels like in my body, my mind and heart when I hear the word should helps me to detach from meeting expectations and open to the experience of living in the moment.

Some questions that may help you connect with your creativity are:

  1. What does my inner artist want to do now?
  2. What happens when I pause and connect with the creative/intuitive voice within?
  3. What does creativity feel like in my body, mind and heart?

The artist’s way teaches us that creativity comes from a place of aliveness, passion, acceptance, love and joy. It teaches us to be in the moment, to open our minds and hearts to ourselves and the world. As we connect with this funloving side the judge/censor recedes into the background. I am aware that the censor is the part that is trying to keep me safe and stop me from getting hurt but this can also keep me trapped like a bird in a golden cage. The surroundings are beautiful but there is so much more to life then a small cage.  While it might feel safe at times to stay inside the cage there is a time when we step into the unknown aware that fear may be present and also aware that excitement is there right alongside the fear.

joyfulnessFind ways this week to make room to connect with your creative spirit. Allow youself to connect with this place of joy, passion, imagination and freedom.

May you be well <3


One thought on “Week 1: Opening to creativity”

  1. Cindy, I love that you are starting this series! One of the things that helps me temper that whole perfection thing is remembering that good enough is good enough. It’s a mantra that I learned a while back . . . that and the fact that perfection is often the enemy of good.

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