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The healing and restorative power of retreat…

Let go of doing and focus on your most important! [box] When we leave busyness, worries aside and retreat to a place that is supportive and peaceful we are taking care of our body, mind and heart...this is the power of retreat..[/box] Take a moment to pause and notice what you feel in your body. What is the state...[ read more ]

Words as a Path to Healing and Growth…

There is so much beauty and healing power in words... Words can be arranged to create a poem that expresses your experience in the moment, or you can just free write as a way of expressing thoughts, emotions and experiences. Writing can be like drawing a picture on paper but instead of using images you're using words. To me it's...[ read more ]

The Healing Power of Self Care and Retreat

Are you in touch with your physical, emotional and spiritual needs? When was the last time you took a break from the daily routine of caring for others to meet your own needs? When was the last time you were able to let go of worries, relax into the moment, laugh or dance to upbeat music? What a Treat! I...[ read more ]

Mindfulness: Powerful Approach to Healing Relationships

  Want to go From Conflict to Connection? Want to improve your life and your relationships? Want to find a different way of relating towards yourself when faced with challenging situations or emotions? There's a way and it's called Mindfulness Meditation. It starts from the premise that life is painful and then we add to the pain (judgments, opinions, interpretations) and create...[ read more ]

Got Conflict?

How easily do you get triggered? We are so easily triggered by our environment. It could be something said, a gesture, a look or a behavior. It doesn't even have to be a person! We can get triggered by the weather or by traffic and we're off and running into a full blown reaction! I experienced that today and I...[ read more ]

How to practice Mindfulness

What is Mindfulness? “Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of moment to moment experience. We train in mindfulness by establishing an embodied presence and learning to see clearly and feel fully the changing flow of sensations, feelings (pleasantness and unpleasantness), emotions and sounds. Imagine your awareness as a great wheel....[ read more ]

The Transformational Power of Kindness

"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves..." Since practicing Mindfulness I've become very aware of when judgment is coming up. It begins with a sometimes sharp at other times subtle pain in my heart, a  closing of the throat or a agitated feeling in the stomach. It's a feeling of being triggered...the...[ read more ]

The Healing Power of the Couples Dialogue

Many couples engage in what I call the "merry-go-round" argument. This is where you argue about the same thing over and over again and never get anywhere. It's extremely frustrating and as useful as banging your head against the wall. So why do it? Why do we (couples) engage in these fruitless arguments that drain our energy, create more distance,...[ read more ]

1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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