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The healing and restorative power of retreat…

Let go of doing and focus on your most important! [box] When we leave busyness, worries aside and retreat to a place that is supportive and peaceful we are taking care of our body, mind and heart...this is the power of retreat..[/box] Take a moment to pause and notice what you feel in your body. What is the state...[ read more ]

Take time to de-stress as an act of kindness…

Our daily lives are often busy and sometimes busy can become overwhelming. When we're overwhelmed we can become irritable, tired, stressed and easily triggered/reactive. If we move through life as if it's a  marathon we lose our connection to the things that can help us stay in balance, feel energized and relaxed. I really believe that life is about balance....[ read more ]

Chose Authenticity!

Authenticity is a daily practice... Life is a mixture of painful and joyful experiences. We cherish and want to hold on the joyful ones and push away/avoid the pain. Sometimes what makes the pain linger and turns it into suffering is our resistance to what is happening. Resistance usually shows up in our defensive behaviors. These defensive behaviors are fueled...[ read more ]

The Healing Power of Self Care and Retreat

Are you in touch with your physical, emotional and spiritual needs? When was the last time you took a break from the daily routine of caring for others to meet your own needs? When was the last time you were able to let go of worries, relax into the moment, laugh or dance to upbeat music? What a Treat! I...[ read more ]

Reacting versus Responding

Recently my friends told me that they felt as if I'd fallen off the face of the earth! No, I haven't learned how to make myself invisible...yet! Instead,  I was sucked into the black hole of the internet trying to figure out html coding, CSS, everythingto do with website design. So, I was not in the world of mindfulness, instead I was...[ read more ]

1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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