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Cherish This Very Moment…

Butterflies in the night

"Cherish this very moment. Let go of the stream of distress and embrace life fully in your arms." Thich Nhat Hanh These words are from a lovely poem by the Vietnamese Buddhist Monk and Peace Activist, Thich Nhat Hanh.  Listening with an open mind and heart allows the words to move you, to realize that each moment is a precious...[ read more ]

Meet Emotional Pain with Compassion

Compassion helps heal wounds

“The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, says Thich Nhat Hanh, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions.” Compassion can help us heal emotional pain… Meeting emotional pain with compassion heals. However, it isn't our first response. When emotional pain arises, we usually try to avoid it, distract ourselves or soothe...[ read more ]

Pausing to Connect with Life

As I step outside, I notice the sky is dark and clouds blanket the sky. Breathing in I can smell the scent of rain is on the way. Walking along the path, I feel a light drizzle begin to fall. The raindrops lightly fall against my skin and I pause to feel this vibrant connection to life. I close my...[ read more ]

Gratitude: A practice that opens hearts..

Gratitude is a practice that helps us stay connected to life. Our tendency is to notice the negative and overlook the positive. Living at either end of a scale keeps us from seeing the whole picture. It can also keep us disconnected from each other and even from ourselves. Sometimes I've heard myself or others complain or say that life...[ read more ]

Connect with the life that’s right here….

Today, I listened to a beautiful poem by Mary Oliver about connecting with nature and how we can respond to our surrounding by recognizing that we are all interconnected. The trees breathe...we breathe, plants receive nourishment from the sun and the earth...we receive nourishment from the plants and the earth. How often do we connect with what is truly in...[ read more ]

Words as a Path to Healing and Growth…

There is so much beauty and healing power in words... Words can be arranged to create a poem that expresses your experience in the moment, or you can just free write as a way of expressing thoughts, emotions and experiences. Writing can be like drawing a picture on paper but instead of using images you're using words. To me it's...[ read more ]

1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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