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Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness…

seated meditation

Mindlessness vs. Mindfulness Living mindlessly... we live in the world of thoughts and stories... The world of right/wrong should/shouldn't Blind to how this black and white way of thinking loses sight of life... Life isn't lived in the world of black/white or right/wrong it's lived in the grey area... Living mindfully.. awake and aware of aliveness, sensation, emotion and connection......[ read more ]

It’s your fault! Moving from Conflict to connection

Do you fight about the same thing over and over again? Do you get reactive and defensive when conflict happens? Would you like to learn how to connect with each other? The blame game is one of the most painful and damaging defenses couples use when conflict happens. If couples stay focused on blaming each other instead of trying to...[ read more ]

Mindfulness: Powerful Approach to Healing Relationships

  Want to go From Conflict to Connection? Want to improve your life and your relationships? Want to find a different way of relating towards yourself when faced with challenging situations or emotions? There's a way and it's called Mindfulness Meditation. It starts from the premise that life is painful and then we add to the pain (judgments, opinions, interpretations) and create...[ read more ]

The Healing Power of the Couples Dialogue

Many couples engage in what I call the "merry-go-round" argument. This is where you argue about the same thing over and over again and never get anywhere. It's extremely frustrating and as useful as banging your head against the wall. So why do it? Why do we (couples) engage in these fruitless arguments that drain our energy, create more distance,...[ read more ]

1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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