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The Two Wings of the Bird; Mindfulness and Self Compassion

"The two parts of genuine acceptance — seeing clearly and holding our experience with compassion —are as interdependent as the two wings of a great bird. Together, they enable us to fly and be free." It is said that mindfulness is like a bird; it needs two wings to fly. The two wings are clear seeing or wisdom and compassion. In our meditation circle,...[ read more ]

The Gift of Retreat – Entering into Noble Silence

Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

'For someone deeply trapped in a prison of thought, how good it can feel to meet a mind that hears, a heart that reassures.' Ram Dass and Paul Gorman Going away on a spiritual retreat is an act of courage and kindness.  When we enter Noble Silence, we take a vow to keep silent for a certain period of time....[ read more ]

Freedom Comes When We Shift Our Perspective…

Love and Kindness

Our planet is but a speck in the universe and within that speck, we are like a grain of sand. Yet, when we face challenges, it's as if we are the universe and everything else is a grain of sand. This is not to dismiss the reality that all of us face challenges; gain and loss, pleasure and pain, fame...[ read more ]

Meet Emotional Pain with Compassion

Compassion helps heal wounds

“The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, says Thich Nhat Hanh, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions.” Compassion can help us heal emotional pain… Meeting emotional pain with compassion heals. However, it isn't our first response. When emotional pain arises, we usually try to avoid it, distract ourselves or soothe...[ read more ]

Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness…

seated meditation

Mindlessness vs. Mindfulness Living mindlessly... we live in the world of thoughts and stories... The world of right/wrong should/shouldn't Blind to how this black and white way of thinking loses sight of life... Life isn't lived in the world of black/white or right/wrong it's lived in the grey area... Living mindfully.. awake and aware of aliveness, sensation, emotion and connection......[ read more ]

Notice your hooked…breathe and come back…

In life there is joy, pain, sadness and a multitude of different experiences. As humans we are wired and drawn to see the negative more then the positive. It's a survival mechanism that helps us stay alive but sometimes it is hypersensitive and over reacts. It's as if we have a button that is triggered when we look out into...[ read more ]

Obsessive thinking running your life?

We tend to spend so much time in our heads/thoughts that life happens and we aren't really present. This is especially true when we become obsessed with a thought and it consumes us to the point that we all our interactions revolve around it. Obsessive thinking can also stir up feelings such as fear, anger, resentment and when this happens...[ read more ]

Stop resisting and start living!

Life is a combination of wonderful and painful experiences. Sometimes we forget this especially when our life isn't going according to plan, or we're  face a crisis. When this happens our a tendency to react. Sometimes our reaction is visible, as when we get angry, vent, yell, cry or in some way vent our frustration. Other times our reactions are...[ read more ]

Mindfulness: Powerful Approach to Healing Relationships

  Want to go From Conflict to Connection? Want to improve your life and your relationships? Want to find a different way of relating towards yourself when faced with challenging situations or emotions? There's a way and it's called Mindfulness Meditation. It starts from the premise that life is painful and then we add to the pain (judgments, opinions, interpretations) and create...[ read more ]

Got Conflict?

How easily do you get triggered? We are so easily triggered by our environment. It could be something said, a gesture, a look or a behavior. It doesn't even have to be a person! We can get triggered by the weather or by traffic and we're off and running into a full blown reaction! I experienced that today and I...[ read more ]

1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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