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Awaken Joy and Compassion

“The source of love is deep in us and we can help others realize a lot of happiness. One word, one action, one thought can reduce another person’s suffering and bring that person joy.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

A moment of joy can awaken compassion

One word, one action, one thought can bring us into direct contact with the healing and nourishing qualities of joy and compassion.  When we take the time to really connect with these qualities (also part of the four immeasurables of mindfulness practice) we are stepping out of autopilot and into direct contact with the vibrant aliveness that is such an important part of life. And why is this important?

Beyond the thinking mind there is life!

Sometimes we get stuck in the virtual world of thoughts. In this realm, there is no aliveness; just static images of a future that is yet to be or a past that’s already happened. In this world of thoughts we tend to revisit worries, doubts, fantasies or past traumas that only take us further and further away from that which heals and restores our vitality and loving connection to the awakened heart/mind.

To spread a moment of joy with a gentle smile or to hug someone and to feel the warm heart to heart connection or feel the sharing of love as our eyes meet is indeed powerful medicine.  It’s a gift that asks for nothing, yet gives everything; that sends the message of love either by touch, smile or through the gaze.

A moment of joy can can awaken compassion…

Reflect back on a time you were caught up in reactive emotions/thoughts and someones presence, or a moment out in nature transported you out of worry, fear, sadness or anger and into connection with love, compassion or life. What happened in the heart, the body and the mind?

It’s easy to overlook these moments, when what were thinking about can seem so important. And, while it may seem essential to the resolution of some problem in the moment, it’s also important to maintain connect with what nourishes our hearts. If all we’re doing is thinking, planning and worrying then we aren’t actually living.

Life is a gift

Life is a gift…

Life isn’t something to get through, it’s a gift to receive. The act of being still, silent, listening, feeling, breathing, sensing your moment to moment experience is life. These are all precious moments we all have access to. Yet we often spend countless hours in our thinking minds. We lose that precious connection to each other and to life. This is why pausing to connect with ourselves and others is vital to our emotional well-being and why I invite you to pause today and do something that invites joy and compassion into the heart. Hug someone! Maybe you give yourself a hug because you need it. Smile at someone and feel the joy in the act of smiling and in the giving of the smile. Do something that helps you connect with the vibrant aliveness that is right here. Do this as an act of love for yourselves and the world around you.

May you be well…


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1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(954) 793-6442

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